Thursday, July 24, 2008

36 weeks, 5 days

I went to the doctor today for my 36 week appointment. He said only one more visit (next week) and then the c-section is scheduled for the following week. Things looked good. I gained a pound or two, my blood pressure was normal (124/60) and despite the frequent Braxton-Hicks nothing is happening yet. Dr. Meyer thinks this baby too is in a breech position. I had my suspicions. It doesn't really matter what position he is in, but I wanted to know. It makes me feel better about having a c-section scheduled. I would really like to try to have a vaginal birth, but not if the baby is breech. Claire was up every hour last night from 1:30 AM on. That really sucked. I just kept thinking, this is more often than a newborn!!! She has to be cutting teeth. Ryan and I are hopeful it won't last long. This too shall pass... I have been meaning to have Ryan take a picture of me, but that hasn't happened yet. I will try to get that done tonight and post it tomorrow. That's the scoop for now!!

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