Friday, May 2, 2008

24 Week Appointment

I had my 24 week check-up yesterday and everything is still going fine. I saw the nurse mid-wife, Kelley, who is part of the practice I go to. She is very nice and takes a little more time to answer questions and go over things than the doctors do. I had made a big weight jump (8 pounds) since my last appointment. Kelley said that it didn't concern her since I hadn't gained much up to that point. She said it would concern her if I kept doing that on my upcoming visits. I have gained a total of 12 pounds so far. I also measured big, but she said just to not expect to measure any larger next time. We'll see. The baby's heart rate was 154 and sound good and he also gave a good kick at the end to say hi to Kelley. My next appointment is in 4 weeks, then I start going every two weeks. Hopefully it works out like that. With Claire I went from every four weeks to every week because my blood pressure started going up. I am getting the feeling that this is not going to be a 7 1/2 lb. baby like Claire! He is definitely taking up more room than she did at this time! Ryan, Claire, and I sure can't wait to meet him!!

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