Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy Holidays!!

Well, I hope everyone has had a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! We sure did. Claire was a little overwhelmed with all the activity, but all in all she handled the season well. She got tons of toys and clothes, so she should be set for awhile. Ryan and I enjoyed visiting with friends and family and we even got a little time to just relax! We also have some BIG news to share! We found out on Ryan's birthday that Claire will be a big sister in August! Yes, we are pregnant! We are thrilled even though it was unexpected! So, check back for updates soon!!!


Andy and Julie Emerine said...

Hey guys!!
Congratulations!!!! What exciting news! Ready to be pregnant all over again Natalie?? We're pregnant again too! From what Erica tells me, we're due a day apart!! How crazy, huh!? I'll be posting it on our blog soon. I'm so glad that you've got a blog now! Now I can keep an eye on ya!!!

JR & Heidi said...

Ryan and Natalie, and Claire-
Hey I came across your blog and thought you may be interested in ours as well. I ran into Richard about 2 weeks ago and he told me the good new. CONGRATS!!!