Monday, November 17, 2008

No Pics

I am a little frustrated with this blog at the moment. I have a ton of pictures to upload from Halloween on, but everytime I try to upload them they show up in text. The show up fine on my actual blog, but I don't have anyway to know what picture is where to put a caption with them when they only show up in text on the screen for me. So, for now, I have no pictures to show you...sorry! Finding time to post is becoming more and more difficult and I imagine that beginning in January it will be even harder. That is when I am starting up classes towards my Master's once again. I have one class to take Spring Semester and a class and my capstone to complete this coming summer and then I am finished...YEAH!! Things are going well. Claire is keeping us entertained every day by showing us new things she has learned. She is becoming more and more of a jabber box and just in the last week or so her favorite word has become "NO!!" She often speaks in short sentences and phrases, she can name many body parts (head, hair, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, lips, chin, neck, etc., etc.). She LOVES Elmo and Bear in the Big Blue House. She doesn't like her hands to be "gucky." She also loves to sing and dance. Oliver is over 15 lbs. now. He is on Zantac for acid reflux, which has made a world of a difference. He is so much happier and more content now. He is smiling often and even laughing. He is not yet rolling over, but he does a good job of holding up his head and shoulders while on his tummy. He is bound and determined to get his fingers or thumb in his mouth, but has yet to do it with much success. He also loves to coo and watch his big sister. So, for now if you want to see pictures, check out our myspace page.

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