My life is both beautiful and crazy at the moment!! Things just never seem to slow down. I love being the mother of two beautiful babies! It is so rewarding, but exhausting at the same time. It seems I can never get caught up or have time to do everything that needs doing in a day. But then I tell myself the most important thing is to love my family and everything else will fall into place.
As I said in the previous post we went to "Boo at the Zoo" this past weekend in Columbus with our friends DJ, Jim, Lincoln, and Truman. We had a good time and the weather was really nice for the occasion. Most of the animals were out and very active. Then Sunday we went and got pictures taken at Sears. We went ahead and did them all at once, even though Oliver isn't quite three months yet and Claire is a little more than 18. We figured we could get the biggest "bang" for our bucks this way:-) So, enjoy the pictures...
A little too cold for costumes, but we're ready to go!!!
First we went to the North America section of the zoo. Claire loved the goats!!

She thought she should pet ALL of them!!

The sun bear was eating a pumpkin and there were lots of people there, but Claire wanted to get right up next to the glass!!

Watching the bear...

Watching the other kids!!

Getting on the tiger...

Riding the tiger...

Flamingos are one of Claire's favorites

Watching the gorillas. They were really active, chasing each other all over the place.

Claire posing in the grainery hut!! How cute!

Claire wanted to ride the "horsh" until it was actually time to get on.

She didn't really enjoy much of the ride until the very end.
She did enjoy the play area though...

Hi, can't catch me...
Pictures from Sears
All of the pictures are great but I LOVE the family picture. The kids are absolutely beautiful! You are very blessed.
(Natalie- you look very nice in that color)
AWW ... what great pictures! I love the one of big sis kissing baby bro :) Too cute!!
Hey! I'm happy to see your update! Sears did an awesome job! I'm getting ready to take the boys in for pictures too. I'm anxious to get some pictures on my walls (to cover up the ugly wallpaper-ha!)
Looks like the zoo was fun for everyone! I have to ask about your are you liking it? We're shopping for a double stroller & have our eye on the same one. Wondering what you think of it. I'm thinking of you often - you're so right about loving your family 1st. It often feels like I'm never getting anything done, but I have to just let that go so I can enjoy my babies each day. These days & moments will fly by too quickly. Hugs to you all!!!
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