I know it has been awhile since I posted, but I have been super busy as I know most of you have been also! School is finally out for the summer and I have three more days of class left this semester. I have been working on my paper for that class lately. Then I have to get my student teaching portfolio finished by July 15 so I can do my student teaching in the fall. (Yes, I have to student teach again so I can get my license as an Intervention Specialist). Doesn't make much sense to me either, but anyway...
After that is all finished, I have a long list of things I want to get done around the house this summer along with getting ready for the new addition to our family. Speaking of, I had my 28 week appointment not too long ago. I only gained 4 pounds this time (thank goodness), but I was measuring two weeks larger than I am supposed to. Dr. Meyer said this probably won't be a small baby. Good thing I don't have to push him out! He is scheduled to arrive on August 8, 2008! If we make it that far. That is only 8 days before my due date and Claire decided to come 12 days early! My next doctor's appointment is next week ( I can't believe I am going every two weeks already). I'll update you again after that.
I have been feeling pretty good, getting more tired though. Claire is doing well. She now has 6 teeth!! Four on top and two on the bottom. She is always full of energy and usually good for a laugh or two! One interesting note, her hair just keeps on getting curlier by the day! Who knew? I thought she was going to be stuck with stick straight hair like me, but I guess that is not the case. The hair on top of her head is still pretty straight, but everything from around her ears and back is pretty darn curly. It is too cute!
Here are some pics to catch you up on the events these last few weeks! Enjoy...
She really didn't like wearing the do-rag!!
Alright, I guess I'll smile for the camera!
My "little" brother turned 18 at the end of April! I can't believe he is that old. I guess that just makes me even older! He went to his first prom with the guys at the beginning of May. Here are some of the pictures I took. He looks so grown up and handsome!

Who should I call today???
Hello !?!?!?
Gabbin' away!
But I wanna go outside Mommy!!!

If I can't go outside, I'll find something good to eat!

Miranda threw Leigh Ann a baby shower in May also! It was fun. Leigh Ann is looking so cute pregnant!!! Here are the pics!
One Hot Momma!!

Two Hot Mommas!!!

Erica and Leigh Ann in heated discussion!

What can I get into next??

Leigh Ann opening all her fun gifts!!
Memorial Day weekend, Ryan, Claire and I went up to Indiana to visit my grandparents. It turned out to be a fairly nice weekend and we really enjoyed relaxing and visiting! Claire enjoyed the water as you will see!
All tuckered out after playing in the water!
This would have been the best picture, if Daddy hadn't stuck his big head in the way!!
One evening while Ryan and I were cleaning, Claire decided that the couch cushions were tons of fun to bounce around on. She had a blast and we got in a few giggles just watching her!

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