Well, as Ryan has already informed everyone, we are going to be welcoming a son into our family! We are both thrilled! His heart rate was 158 and Dr. Z said everything looked good. The estimate for his weight right now was 15 oz. I am twenty weeks right now, and the week-by-week book says babies are usually about 9 oz right now. So, we may have a big baby on our hands, although I know that the weight estimates can be pretty inaccurate. Anyway, here are the latest ultrasound pictures.
Here is the announcement shot!
This is a picture of his face and torso. His arm and hand are up by his head.
This was a picture of both of his feet.
This is the 3D image of his face.
Another 3D image.
More pics of the boy parts! Pretty obvious we are having a boy, don't you think?
The stuff at the bottom of the picture is the placenta and I think the little thing in front of his bottom may be his hand or part of the umbilical cord.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures. My next appointment isn't until the beginning of May. So, the next baby boy update won't be until then. But I am sure we will have updates on Claire soon. I will try to get a belly shot soon to post. I haven't taken any yet.
Yeah Baby!!! That's so exciting that you're having a boy!!
Congratulations Natalie!! I saw your comment on my blog site so wanted to find yours, and figured I could get there from Julie's site :) I will pass on the message to Jack and Cindy - that is a coincidence - and (early) happy birthday to your Claire!! And now here comes a boy - I'm so happy for you. Enjoy!! And tell Erica I said Hello since I never bump into her ...
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