My favorite thing to do...read, read, read!!!
Claire is getting better and faster at crawling and she has no problem pulling herself up on whatever she can find. She can get down by herself pretty easily too. She is starting to make even more new sounds everyday, so I don't think it will be long until we hear her first real words. Still no teeth though, but we count that as a blessing since we don't have to worry about her falling and knocking one out or chipping one or biting her tongue, etc.
I am now into my second trimester (yeah)!! I have a doctor's appointment today. So, it will be nice to hear the heartbeat just to know there our new little one is still doing alright. I am feeling alright, evenings seem to be the worst time, just like last time. I haven't felt nearly as sick though. I haven't decided if that is because I have done this before, I am just too busy to worry about it, or I really am not as sick. I am very tired though. Last night I only made it to 9 PM. Claire went to bed at 8:30.
My official due date is August 16. Since Claire was breech and I had to have a C-section, unless I want to go to Lima or Columbus to deliver, this baby will be by C-section also. So, the doc said we would pick a day about 10 days before my due date to schedule the surgery. That would make it around August 6, but Claire came 12 days early. So, we will see what happens.
I have started another class towards my Master's degree. It is Monday nights from 6-8:40 in Columbus. So, Mondays stink because I only really get to see Claire for about an hour in the morning. But, my class is really interesting and I think it will help me a lot with my teaching. Only ONE more class after this until I am officially licensed to teach as an intervention specialist. Then I have a few more to complete my Master's.
Ryan is doing well. He still loves his job in Urbana. He also can't wait to have another little one in the house. It is so much fun to watch him with Claire! He is a wonderful daddy! In the mornings, when he goes out to warm the car up before he leaves for work, Claire gets upset when he walks out the door! Daddy, don't leave me!!! He takes her to daycare, which she really likes. She has a few girls there she really enjoys playing with.
Anyway, I think I have rambled on long enough. Enjoy the pictures and check back soon!
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