Happy Birthday Mae!!!
13 years ago
Ryan and I began our journey in March 1998. We married on June 15, 2002 and, oh what a journey its been so far. We have survived a fire in our apartment a few days after our one year anniversary, a year-long deployment to Iraq where Ryan searched for roadside bombs and much more. We are now the proud parents of two beautiful children. Claire Ava joined us on April 7, 2007 and Oliver Andrew joined us on August 8, 2008! Our journey is just beginning...
Hey guys!!
Congratulations!!!! What exciting news! Ready to be pregnant all over again Natalie?? We're pregnant again too! From what Erica tells me, we're due a day apart!! How crazy, huh!? I'll be posting it on our blog soon. I'm so glad that you've got a blog now! Now I can keep an eye on ya!!!
Ryan and Natalie, and Claire-
Hey I came across your blog and thought you may be interested in ours as well. I ran into Richard about 2 weeks ago and he told me the good new. CONGRATS!!!
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