I cannot believe it! My baby girl is 2 years old!! She is such a joy to us! She makes us laugh everyday and amazes us with new things she is learning all of the time. I cannot believe how much she has changed in just a year. Last year she took her first steps the day after her birthday. Now she is running around like a pro. Here are some pictures from her birthday party and a day or two before it!
Claire and Ollie playing in a Pampered Chef box!!

Hi, mommy!!

Mmmm, Wendy's Frosty

Here is what you get when you send daddy and the birthday girl to get balloons!!

Napping before the big party. Maverick sleeps with Claire whenever she is in bed. He is her protector!

Playin' with my jungle set.

I attempted to make Backyardigans cakes for Claire's birthday. My plan was to do each character, but I got tired after two. So, Claire got Pablo and Uniqua and a regular cake.
Here is my attempt at Pablo!

And Uniqua!!

Happy Birthday to You!!!

Mmmm, cake and ice cream!

Geez, act like you are related! Katie, Erica, Ollie, and Jared.

Sophia, Leigh Ann's little one!

A Cabbage Patch doll!

Aunt Erica and Ollie (after feeding him a little cake and ice cream)

Wow, My Little Pony (she loves them and plays with them all of the time)

Opening Grandma and Grandpa Staff's "One Present"

Ollie and Sophia

Give me that ball

Me and Mom!


Katie, Mom, and Erica

Claire on her new bike!

Reading my Backyardigans Book. By the way, Erica, she loves the I Love to Laugh book you got her. She asks for it every night at bedtime.