Monday, July 28, 2008

Quick Update!

Here are a few cute pics of Claire. I couldn't resist posting them!!
This weekend was great! Saturday, I was supposed to get together with some friends from work to have lunch and catch up, but sneaky DJ had planned a suprise shower for me instead! What a great friend! It was so nice of her. I got to see some friends and family I hadn't seen in awhile. We had some really yummy food and they all pitched in to get Ryan and I the awesome stroller you see below. We had talked about getting this stroller, but kept talking ourselves out of it because of the price. Thank you so much everyone for helping with this wonderful gift! It will make life much easier for us in the coming weeks!!As I stated in an earlier post, our crib had been recalled. We got the replacement voucher this past week, so Sunday we headed to Columbus to Babies'r'us to pick out a new crib. Here is the one we decided on. It is kind of like the old one, but has a solid back. Now that that is settled, we can't wait to meet our new little one who will be sleeping in it. Only 11 more days... Claire is getting better about going to bed at night and at naptime (knock on wood)! I really think is has had something to do with getting more teeth. She has been chewing on her fingers like crazy and she doesn't usually have them in her mouth unless she is eating!!
Again, thank you so much (especially DJ) for putting together the surprise shower. It was wonderful and we are looking forward to using the gifts we received soon!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Random Pictures

Here are the pictures I promised along with some cute pictures of Claire. She is such a ham for the camera. Here is my first attempt at putting her hair into pigtails!! Aren't they adorable?????
Here mom...
Eating berries, her favorite thing!!!
Just woke up from my nap!!
Me and mommy!!
My built in seat!! How will I carry her without that bump??
My almost 37 week belly. I didn't think the picture with the shirt quite did it justice. I cannot believe how big I look. I mean, I feel huge, but seeing it is a different story... Only two weeks from today to go!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

36 weeks, 5 days

I went to the doctor today for my 36 week appointment. He said only one more visit (next week) and then the c-section is scheduled for the following week. Things looked good. I gained a pound or two, my blood pressure was normal (124/60) and despite the frequent Braxton-Hicks nothing is happening yet. Dr. Meyer thinks this baby too is in a breech position. I had my suspicions. It doesn't really matter what position he is in, but I wanted to know. It makes me feel better about having a c-section scheduled. I would really like to try to have a vaginal birth, but not if the baby is breech. Claire was up every hour last night from 1:30 AM on. That really sucked. I just kept thinking, this is more often than a newborn!!! She has to be cutting teeth. Ryan and I are hopeful it won't last long. This too shall pass... I have been meaning to have Ryan take a picture of me, but that hasn't happened yet. I will try to get that done tonight and post it tomorrow. That's the scoop for now!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Getting closer!!

Well, our family has, at most, 18 days until this new little one joins us! How exciting and scary at the same time. I just pray that I have the strength and patience to take care of two little ones!! We are looking forward to meeting our new little guy and I am definitely ready to be finished with this pregnancy! I have a doctor's appointment later this week, so I'll update again after that. I go every week starting this week. On another note, Claire has decided that she hates naptimes and bedtimes. I don't know what is going on, but it has made things a lot more difficult lately. She had been doing great. We would read our stories and listen to a lullaby, then I would lay her down and tell her good night and love you and she would fall asleep on her own. Now, she is fighting it tooth and nail. As soon as you lay her in her crib she starts wailing and if you walk out of the room she is standing at the rails screaming. I don't know what has caused this change. Maybe she knows change is coming to rock her world soon. I do hope Ryan and I figure this out, because we are both exhausted from it. Last night she fought us until about 1AM!! I'll let you know how things go.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Sophia Lenane
7lbs. 4 0z. , 19 3/4 in. long
Born 6:04 PM July 8, 2008
As many of you already know, Leigh Ann and Patrick welcomed their daughter to the world on Tuesday! She is beautiful and healthy. Leigh Ann is doing well too, though she is pretty sore from delivery. I got to go and visit them yesterday and it was such a treat! It is hard to remember Claire ever being that small, but she was almost exactly that size ( 7lbs. 9 oz., 19 inches long)!! Leigh Ann and Patrick thought Claire had really grown (which she has) but I think it is mostly because she is so much bigger than Sophia! I managed to snap a few pics while I was there, but not many! I believe mom and baby get to go home today! So, Leigh Ann and Patrick CONGRATULATIONS!!! Good luck and enjoy this journey you are beginning!!!
Sophia all stretched out waking up!!
Claire at the hospital. She did really well and didn't even seem to mind when I held Sophia. I told her pretty soon we would be bringing a little baby like that home. I also had a doctor's appointment yesterday, which I ended up taking Claire too (not a good idea). Things were fine, the doctor did check me because I had had some contractions the night before, but she said nothing was happening yet. I gained a pound and measured 35 weeks (I am 34), but it always seems like Dr. Z measures me smaller than Dr. Meyer. I go back in two weeks and then every week after that. I will not be taking Claire back to the Doctor with me if I can help it. She freaked out everytime the nurse or doctor touched me. So, needless to say, my blood pressure was up when we first got there (140/70), but then they had me lay down for a few minutes and it was back to 110/50.
Ryan and I also found out that our crib (the one Claire used for over a year) is one of the recalled ones. I don't think we are going to get the voucher for a replacement in time for this new baby, but we have a cradle to use for the first couple of months anyway.
This summer is flying by. I hope you all are enjoying it!!!